For organic food to become more affordable, all stakeholders, including consumers, need to play an active role. Instead of buying from brands and grocers that are focused on growth and profits alone, consumers must support ‘responsible’ sellers – those who are committed to creating a difference for everyone, including farmers, whose business approach prioritises responsibility towards all stakeholders within the ecosystem.

Retailers have often grappled with this issue: why do consumers shy away from making organic-first markets
their regular point of purchase? Is it because organic food is considered to be expensive? Is organic food only an indulgence reserved for a minority of urban families? Given the impact of our farming practices on the planet and people, it is imperative that the adoption of organic farming and consumption of organic foods keep pace. However, for the transformation to be truly effective and sustainable, it is important that organic food becomes a lot more accessible, and affordable for a larger set of Indian consumers.

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