A US medical team said Thursday they had reconstructed a human ear using the patient’s own tissue to create a 3D bioimplant, a pioneering procedure they hope can be used to treat people with a rare birth defect.

Washington, June 2, 2022 -A US medical team said Thursday they had reconstructed a human ear using the patient’s own tissue to create a 3D bioimplant, a pioneering procedure they hope can be used to treat people with a rare birth defect. The surgery was performed as part of an early-stage clinical trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the implant for people with microtia, in which the external ear is small and not formed properly.

Read More: https://health.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/industry/surgeons-transplant-3d-ear-made-of-living-cells/91974126?_gl=1*15d1fxx*_ga*SVNJeTJTbEJqcnJZSHAtTTJ1QVNyXzFPQnRucXhGcHBCNDJJd05tbk9hNFd5dUNVcXRxSV82aWYyTGNaX1Vvaw